The Mission of the Bethlehem Bible Church is to minister the uncompromised Gospel of Jesus Christ to all of humanity and teach the people of God how to live daily in Gods will; to promote a life of spiritual service and commitment to Christ; to be a vehicle of liberation to those that are bound; to empower the less fortunate to reach their fullest potential; to be a beacon of hope in this world.
“Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved.…” Psalms 62:1 (KJV)
Would you like a step-by-step walk through while getting your life back on track with God? Not just a plan to join a church, but to be a part of the community, and to be a blessing to those around you? Well, whether you are starting from nothing…or just want to find a place where you and your family can worship and be taught from the Bible…
Take a few minutes and look through our website, so you can start living a life of purpose as a member of Gods family, while getting your life back on track and in order. Have you been struggling to make ends meet? Well, today you will see how easy it is to get back to the place where you deserve to be, from scratch, so you can start fulfilling our personal destiny, even if you’re starting out with nothing.
Taking action means all the difference. By getting started building your life today, you will set yourself up for much more than just the happiness. You can be in a position to finally take charge of your own destiny, and be a blessing to your family and yourself. In only a few hours, you can use these simple steps to begin the process.
Pastor Patrick A. Miller